Wednesday, August 1, 2012


三岁妹妹问十三岁哥哥:“哥哥,你会一直捣蛋吗?” 哥哥满头雾水看着她,她又重复一次。妈妈在一旁几乎笑翻了,原来她刚学会单脚站立,就跑去找哥哥分享她的“成就”,可是口齿不清,其实说的是:“你会一只脚站吗?”

Friday, July 13, 2012


在我的回忆里, 有个独一无二的你; 在我生命里, 留下独一无二的痕迹。 说着话, 走着路, 突然, 就会想你。 微笑、叹息、哭泣, 因为想你; 在梦里的梦里, 也见到你。 就是想你, 一遍、一遍, 一年、一年, 想你。

Tuesday, January 31, 2012






Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Resolution vs Habit

What's the difference between a New Year Resolution and a habit?

I perceive one to be a plan, and the other an actual persistent action.

14 months ago, I came across FlyLady site. Since then, I have been building positive habits. How? After visualising what I want to accomplish, I set out an action plan and the necessary baby-steps. Then I incorporate these into my daily or weekly schedule, and do them until they become habits.  

Inspired by Dr Wayne W Dyer today: "Forget about those New Year's resolutions in which you decide on the first day of January how you will be conducting your life for the next twelve months. Instead, set up day-to-day goals for yourself, and then resolve to begin living with present moment awareness for the rest of your life. When you get good at living your present moments one day at a time, you'll see yourself changing right before your own surprised eyes. Remember, anyone can do anything for just one day, so tune out the sentences that keep you locked into your old self-defeating ways and begin to enjoy each day of your bright new year."

Yes anyone can do anything for just one day, then another day, and yet another, until it becomes a part of our life. So instead of stopping at making resolutions (New Year or otherwise), I make sure I bring it a step further by building corresponding habits into my life, and allowing myself to focus on one day at a time. No doubt it's an ongoing process. This method has enabled me to see progress and positive changes in my life. I believe taking consistent persistent actionable steps is key.

May all your New Year Resolutions come true.